Time For A Healthy Gut

Working with many people in the health and wellness space one of the most common complaints I hear is people having some form of gut issues. These can show up in many ways like bloating, constipation, cramping, flatulence, inflammation, heart burn, gout, crohn’s disease, IBS or colitis.

Your diet, your environment and your stress have usually contributed to your gut health being out of balance and not feeling well. If you have gut issues then the first thing I always recommend is doing a detox program which generally involves fasting and enemas or colonics to clean out the toxins from your body and gut. I always find the first step in healing the body is cleaning it out.

If you have gut issues your digestive track and gut is usually inflamed and your gut flora is out of balance. Your body should have more good gut bacteria than bad gut bacteria but a lot of people have an overgrowth of bad bacteria in their system. This bad bacteria causes candida, yeast infections, skin issues, weak hair, problem skin and creates an imbalance in the entire body. The gut is like the centre of your health in your body so if your gut is not happy it will show up everywhere else in your body.

You will find as you start to clean out your body and destress through meditation and gentle exercise you will heal your gut since emotions and stress are strongly linked to gut health. As you fast you stop the intake of food that is hard to digest and give your digestion system a much needed break. As you flush out your system through fasting and cleansing you will start to heal your inflammed digestive track.

If you are looking to reset your gut and clean it out then doing one of our detox programs paired with one of our enema kits is the best way. For optimal gut health then check out our enema kits https://iamfreeandwell.com/enemas/ and all the detox programs we offer https://iamfreeandwell.com/healthy-detox-programs/

The main thing to remember is cleansing out your body on a regular basis and incorporating clean eating into your diet is going to be very healing for your gut and therefore create less gut issues.

For optimal gut health I always recommend taking a probiotic daily in your diet to replenish the good bacteria in your gut, do enemas on a regular basis and have a mindfulness practice to destress.

Natasha Dillon