Beat The Monday Blues

Monday morning has come around again and I can hear you making that sighing sound to yourself because you’re really not enthused about going to work today are you? and your finding it such an effort to get motivated to get there. You have bills to pay and yes this job helps you to pay them and gives you a sense of security but deep down your saying to yourself there has to be another way because your feeling unfulfilled and there is a heavy feeling inside as if your soul is dying. It feels like ground hog day and you’d rather stay in bed or do anything else than go to work today.

Your craving change but have no idea where to start

Let me tell you I have been there and I know what it feels like it is soul destroying and the sad thing is some people will go through their whole life staying in that same job and never leaving. WHY? you ask, because people get comfortable even when they are dissatisfied. It’s easier to be comfortable then uncomfortable even at the expense of your own dreams and happiness.

I want you to challenge yourself today and do this great exercise in your spare time
Ask yourself this question: If money was no object in my life what would I be doing instead right now? Make a list of all those things.

This is going to give you a pretty good idea what your dreams, passions and desires are that you may have forgotten about or subconsciously gave up on a long time ago. It’s good to remind yourself of your dreams daily and start thinking about them, daydreaming and visualising them so that they can come to life. The more energy we put into our dreams the more we can make them happen, just thinking about them starts to put them in motion so it is a form of action.

If you are looking for some much needed change in your life and want to be supported I offer many detox programs and retreats to help you facilitate change. To start your journey of change the ‘Change Your Life’ Retreat might be just what you need right now, you can check it out here

Natasha Dillon